2024/2025 Admissions Notice


Admission Details Outline



Applications are invited for admission into Diploma, Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes of the C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences (CKT-UTAS).


Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Actuarial Science
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Mathematics
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Statistics
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Mathematics-With-Economics
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Mathematics-With-Finance

 Postgraduate Programmes

      • M.Phil. in Mathematics (Full-Time: 2 Years)
      • M.Phil. in Computational Mathematics (Full-Time: 2 Years)
      • Ph.D. in Mathematics (Full-Time: 3 Years)
      • Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics (Full-Time: 3 Years).
      • M.Sc. in Statistics (Full-Time: 1 Year)
      • M.Sc. in Applied Statistics (Full-Time: 1 Year. Options: Medical Statistics, Environmental Statistics, Economic Statistics, Data Science)
      • M.Phil. in Statistics (Full-Time: 2 Years, Top-Up: 1 Year)
      • M.Phil. in Applied Statistics (Full-Time: 2 Years, Top-Up: 1 Year. Options: Medical Statistics, Environmental Statistics, Economic Statistics, Data Science)
      • Ph.D. in Statistics (Full-Time: 3 Years, Part-Time: 5 Years)
      • Ph.D. in Applied Statistics (Full-Time: 3 Years, Part-Time: 5 Years)
      • M.Sc. in Biometry (Full-Time: 1 Year)
      • M.Phil. in Biometry (Full-Time: 2 Years, Top-Up: 1 Year)
      • Ph.D. in Biometry (Full-Time: 3 Years, Part-Time: 5 Years).

Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Applied Physics
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Geological Science
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Geophysics
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Industrial Physics
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Medical Physics

Postgraduate Programmes

      • M.Phil. in Industrial Physics

Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Environmental Science
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Applied Biology
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Environment and Sustainable Development

Postgraduate Programmes

      • M.Phil. in Applied Microbiology
      • M.Phil. in Applied Entomology and Parasitology
      • M.Phil. in Plant Ecology and Conservation
      • M.Phil. in Environmental Science
      • Ph.D. in Environmental Science

Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year B.Ed. Mathematics
      • 4-Year B.Ed. Science

Diploma Programmes

      • 2-Year Diploma in ICT Education

Postgraduate Programmes

      • M.Ed in Mathematics (1-Year Course Work)
      • M.Phil. in Mathematics Education (2-Years)
      • M.Phil. in Mathematics Education (1-Year Top-Up)
      • M.Ed in Science (1-Year Course Work)
      • M.Phil. in Science Education (2-Years)
      • M.Phil. in Science Education (1-Year Top-Up)

Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Computer Science
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Computing-With-Accounting
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Information Technology
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Cyber Security
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Software Engineering
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Information Systems
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in 4-Year B.Sc. in Data Science

Diploma Programme

      • 2-Year Diploma in Computer Science
      • 2-Year Diploma in Information Technology
      • 2-Year Diploma in Software Engineering
      • 2-Year Diploma in Cyber Security

Postgraduate Programmes

      • M.Sc. in Computer Science
      • M.Phil. in Computer Science
      • M.Sc. in Information and Communication Technology
      • M.Phil. in Information and Communication Technology
      • Ph.D. in Computer Science

Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Biochemistry
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Applied Chemistry
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Industrial Chemistry
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Forensic Science
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Technology

Diploma Programme

      • 2-Year Diploma in Laboratory Technology

Postgraduate Programmes

      • M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry
      • M.Phil. in Applied Chemistry
      • M.Phil. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biomedicine
      • Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry
      • Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biomedicine

Undergraduate Programmes

      • Bachelor of Public Health in Disease Control
      • Bachelor of Public Health in Health Promotion

Postgraduate Programme

      • Masters in Public Health

Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year Medical Laboratory Science

[Click to read specific entry requirements for this Programme]

Postgraduate Programmes

      • M.Phil. in Anaesthesia and Critical Care
      • M.Phil. in Infectious Diseases and Immunology
      • Ph.D. in Infectious Diseases and Immunology

Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year B.Sc in Nursing
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Paediatric Nursing
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Midwifery

[Click to read specific entry requirements for the School of Nursing and Midwifery Programmes]


🔔 NOTE: These programmes are for Pure Science (WASSCE/SSSCE) students.

However, non-science-based applicants with credit passes in Elective Mathematics/Further Mathematics, Business Mathematics, Costing, Accounting, Business Management, Economics and Geography, and at least a C6 or D in Integrated Science may qualify to apply for some of these programmes.

First Degree

WASSCE or SSSCE holders who seek to apply for admission into the first-degree programmes must have at least C6 or D in all their three Core and three Elective Subjects. Candidates should therefore possess, at least, credit passes in the following:

      • Three core subjects – English Language (Core), Mathematics (Core) and Integrated Science.
      • Any three elective subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agricultural Science, Mathematics (elective), Economics, Further Mathematics, Geography, Business Management, and Accounting, among others.
      • Should have an aggregate score of 36 or better in the best six subjects (that is, three core subjects listed above and three relevant electives).
      • Meet the Departmental requirements.

Mature applicants:

      • Candidates must be at least 25 years of age and must show documentary evidence.
      • In addition, must have any of the following:
        1. Five passes in G.C.E ‘O’ Level subjects including English Language (Core), and Mathematics (Core), and three elective subjects.
        2. SSSCE/WASSCE passes in English Language (Core), Mathematics (Core) and Integrated Science as well as two elective science subjects.
      • HND and other Diploma applicants seeking admission into any of the undergraduate programmes should possess at least a:
        1. Second Class Lower or better in related programmes, who may be admitted into Level 200.
        2. Third Class or Pass shall be considered for admission into Level 100.

Diploma applicants:

To be admitted into a Diploma programme, three credit passes in the applicant’s area of specialisation (elective subjects) and at least two passes (D7, D or better) in English Language (Core) and Mathematics (Core) in WASSCE/SSSCE are required.

Any candidate without a pass in English Language (Core), Mathematics (Core) or both should not apply for the Diploma programmes.

All applicants of the undergraduate programmes with foreign certificates shall be required to get them verified by the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) before they can be accepted into any of the programmes.

International Students Requirements

To be given admission, all international applicants must meet requirements equivalent to those of home students.

Applicants must prove that the under-listed institutions have evaluated and certified their certificates equivalent to their home counterparts.

i. The Nursing & Midwifery Council

ii. The West African Examination Council

iii. Ghana Tertiary Education Council

🔔 Note: International students’ supporting documents for admission must be translated into English.

They must also be proficient in the English language.


A candidate seeking admission to pursue any of our Ph.D. programmes must:

      • Have an M.Phil. or M.Sc. by research degree in the relevant field from a recognised University.
      • Submit an official transcript of academic records, certificates and other relevant documents.
      • Each applicant shall be required to submit a concept paper on his/her proposed research topic.
      • Meet the Departmental requirements.
      • Applicants with foreign certificates shall be required to get them verified by the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) before they can be accepted into any of the programmes.

Applicants who want to pursue our M.Sc./M.Phil. programmes must also:

      • Have obtained a good first degree with at least Second Class Lower, in the relevant field of study from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution.
      • Submit an official transcript of academic records and other relevant documents.
      • Each applicant shall be required to submit a concept paper on his/her proposed research topic.
      • Meet the Departmental requirements.
      • Applicants with foreign certificates shall be required to get them verified by the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) before they can be accepted into the programmes.

🔔 All postgraduate applicants will be required to pass a selection interview to be conducted by the various Schools and Departments.

Specific Entry Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science

For admission into the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Medical Laboratory Science programme, the applicant must have the following:

i. West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSSCE) with credit passes (A1-C6) or Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) with credit passes (A-D) in three core subjects including English Language (Core), Mathematics (Core), and Integrated Science and three elective subjects including Biology, Chemistry and Physics or Elective Mathematics.

Specific Entry Requirements for the School of Nursing and Midwifery Programmes

A. 4-Year B.Sc. in Nursing

For admission into the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Nursing programme, the applicant must meet the following important requirements:

i. The West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSSCE) with credit passes (A1-C6) or Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) with credit passes (A-D) in three core subjects including English Language (Core), Mathematics (Core), and Integrated Science and three elective subjects including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Elective Mathematics.

Applicants with elective subjects in the areas of General Arts, Home Economics with Biology or General Agriculture MAY be considered.

The cut-off point for admission is an aggregate of 14 or better. Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 100 after they have passed a selection interview.

🔔 NOTE: Applicants with elective subjects in Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, General Agric. (Subject), Sculpture, Graphic Design, Clothing and Textile, carpentry, Typewriting, Accounting, Costing, Leather Work, fashion, painting are advised NOT TO APPLY.

ii. Nurse Assistant Preventive (NAP)

Applicants should possess a valid Auxiliary Identification Number (AIN) and have successfully completed the C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences access programme and passed the assessment. Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 100 after they have passed a selection interview.

iii. Nurse Assistant Clinical (NAC)

Applicants should have completed the C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences access programme and passed the assessment.

Possession of a valid Auxiliary Identification Number (AIN) is a requirement. Successful applicants will be admitted to Level 200 after they have passed a selection interview.

iv. Registered Midwife with a Diploma (Diversion)

Applicants should have met the under-listed criteria:

      • Must be fully registered with the N&MC, Ghana, and hold a Midwifery license.
      • Have a valid Professional Identification Number (PIN).

Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 200 after they have passed a selection interview.

v. Registered General Nurse with Post Diploma (Top Up)

      • Must be fully registered with the N&MC, Ghana, and hold a Midwifery license.
      • Have a valid Professional Identification Number (PIN).

Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 300 after they have passed a selection interview.

B. 4-Year B.Sc. in Paediatric Nursing (Top Up)

    • Applicants of the above programme must either hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing or a Diploma in Registered General Nurses (RGN), Registered Midwives (RM), and Registered Community/Public Health Nurses (RCN/PHN).
    • Applicants with a certificate in Paediatric Nursing and a diploma have an added advantage.
    • Apart from the academic qualifications, all applicants will be required to be fully registered with the N&MC, Ghana, and hold a requisite license.
    • A valid Professional Identification Number (PIN) is a prerequisite for admission.

Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 300 after they have passed a selection interview.

C. 4-Year B.Sc. in Midwifery

i. The West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSSCE) with credit passes (A1-C6) or Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) with credit passes (A-D) in three core subjects including English Language (Core), Mathematics (Core), and Integrated Science and three elective subjects including General Science, General Arts, and Home Economics with Biology.

The cut-off point for admission is aggregate 14 or better.

Students with Science electives are preferred.

Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 100 after they have passed a selection interview.

ii. Post NAC/ NAP certificate.

      • Possess a valid Auxiliary Identification Number(AIN) from N&MC, Ghana.
      • Pass an access course examination that will be conducted by the University.

Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 100 after they have passed a selection interview.

iii. Mature students: Registered Midwives (post basic certificate), and Registered Midwives (Post basic SRN) must possess a valid Professional Identification Number (PIN) issued by N&MC, Ghana.

Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 200 after they have passed a selection interview.

iv. RGN (Post Diploma in Nursing) (Diversion)

      • Must be fully registered with the N&MC Ghana, and hold a Midwifery license with a valid Professional Identification Number.

Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 200 after they have passed a selection interview.

v. Top Up Students (Post Diploma in Midwifery)

    • Must be fully registered with the N&MC Ghana and hold a Midwifery license with a valid Professional Identification Number.
    • Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 300 after they have passed a selection interview.

All applicants must buy the CKT-UTAS E-Voucher from Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB), Republic and Fidelity Bank branches nationwide for One Hundred and Fifty Ghana Cedis (GHS150.00) for Undergraduate and Two Hundred Ghana Cedis (GHC 200.00) for Postgraduate.

The E-Voucher could also be purchased through the USSD Code *776*123# on all mobile telecommunication Networks.

To Buy Admission Voucher:
• Dial *776*123#
• Enter merchant code: CKTUTAS
• Select [2] Admission Voucher Payment
• Select [1] Undergraduate or [2] Postgraduate
• Enter Applicant’s Name
• Select payment channel [1] Fidelity [2] Mobile Money
• Confirm Details
• Proceed to make payment.


    • Dial *887*9#

    • Name or Alias of the university Enter: CKTUTAS

    • Select [1] Postgraduate or [2] for Undergraduate form.

    • ⁠Wait for the MoMo prompt.

    • Enter your Momo pin to approve payment.

    • For MTN Users only: If the prompt was not received, dial *170# select my approvals, and authorize to make payment.

    • An SMS will be received after successful payment with the voucher details.

    • To Retrieve Voucher, Dial *887*9#2
      Select option to view History

The E-Voucher contains the PIN and Serial Number required to complete the online application form. Meanwhile, AU and non-AU nationals can purchase the application form from only Republic Bank Ghana at USD 50.00 and USD 100.00, respectively.

    1. Create an account and Log onto our online admissions portal at to complete the application form.
    2. Applicants must upload their most recent passport-size photograph (white background) and other relevant certificates and documents when completing the online application form. Applicants who use an object or a picture instead of their passport-size picture will be disqualified.
    3. Applicants are advised to post the printout of the application summary, results slip/certificates, and other relevant documents (three copies each) to

The Deputy Registrar,

C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences

P.O. Box 24, Upper East, Navrongo.

4. A completed application form will not be considered until it is SUBMITTED

5. Applicants are advised to check thoroughly all details entered before they finally submit their online applications since an application form submitted cannot be edited.

Closing Date

Closing date for the submission of completed applications online is August 31, 2024.

New Deadline is January 15, 2025.

For enquiries, contact Academic Affairs through:

+233-(0)372095456 | 3820-97376



Admission Details Outline



Applications are invited for admission into Diploma, Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes of the C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences (CKT-UTAS).


Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Actuarial Science
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Mathematics
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Statistics
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Mathematics-With-Economics
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Mathematics-With-Finance

 Postgraduate Programmes

      • M.Phil. in Mathematics (Full-Time: 2 Years)
      • M.Phil. in Computational Mathematics (Full-Time: 2 Years)
      • Ph.D. in Mathematics (Full-Time: 3 Years)
      • Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics (Full-Time: 3 Years).
      • M.Sc. in Statistics (Full-Time: 1 Year)
      • M.Sc. in Applied Statistics (Full-Time: 1 Year. Options: Medical Statistics, Environmental Statistics, Economic Statistics, Data Science)
      • M.Phil. in Statistics (Full-Time: 2 Years, Top-Up: 1 Year)
      • M.Phil. in Applied Statistics (Full-Time: 2 Years, Top-Up: 1 Year. Options: Medical Statistics, Environmental Statistics, Economic Statistics, Data Science)
      • Ph.D. in Statistics (Full-Time: 3 Years, Part-Time: 5 Years)
      • Ph.D. in Applied Statistics (Full-Time: 3 Years, Part-Time: 5 Years)
      • M.Sc. in Biometry (Full-Time: 1 Year)
      • M.Phil. in Biometry (Full-Time: 2 Years, Top-Up: 1 Year)
      • Ph.D. in Biometry (Full-Time: 3 Years, Part-Time: 5 Years).

Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Applied Physics
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Geological Science
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Geophysics
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Industrial Physics
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Medical Physics

Postgraduate Programmes

      • M.Phil. in Industrial Physics

Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Environmental Science
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Applied Biology
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Environment and Sustainable Development

Postgraduate Programmes

      • M.Phil. in Applied Microbiology
      • M.Phil. in Applied Entomology and Parasitology
      • M.Phil. in Plant Ecology and Conservation
      • M.Phil. in Environmental Science
      • Ph.D. in Environmental Science

Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year B.Ed. Mathematics
      • 4-Year B.Ed. Science

Diploma Programmes

      • 2-Year Diploma in ICT Education

Postgraduate Programmes

      • M.Ed in Mathematics (1-Year Course Work)
      • M.Phil. in Mathematics Education (2-Years)
      • M.Phil. in Mathematics Education (1-Year Top-Up)
      • M.Ed in Science (1-Year Course Work)
      • M.Phil. in Science Education (2-Years)
      • M.Phil. in Science Education (1-Year Top-Up)

Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Computer Science
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Computing-With-Accounting
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Information Technology
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Cyber Security
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Software Engineering
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Information Systems
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in 4-Year B.Sc. in Data Science

Diploma Programme

      • 2-Year Diploma in Computer Science
      • 2-Year Diploma in Information Technology
      • 2-Year Diploma in Software Engineering
      • 2-Year Diploma in Cyber Security

Postgraduate Programmes

      • M.Sc. in Computer Science
      • M.Phil. in Computer Science
      • M.Sc. in Information and Communication Technology
      • M.Phil. in Information and Communication Technology
      • Ph.D. in Computer Science

Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Biochemistry
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Applied Chemistry
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Industrial Chemistry
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Forensic Science
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Technology

Diploma Programme

      • 2-Year Diploma in Laboratory Technology

Postgraduate Programmes

      • M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry
      • M.Phil. in Applied Chemistry
      • M.Phil. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biomedicine
      • Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry
      • Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biomedicine

Undergraduate Programmes

      • Bachelor of Public Health in Disease Control
      • Bachelor of Public Health in Health Promotion

Postgraduate Programme

      • Masters in Public Health

Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year Medical Laboratory Science

[Click to read specific entry requirements for this Programme]

Postgraduate Programmes

      • M.Phil. in Anaesthesia and Critical Care
      • M.Phil. in Infectious Diseases and Immunology
      • Ph.D. in Infectious Diseases and Immunology


Undergraduate Programmes

      • 4-Year B.Sc in Nursing
      • 4-Year B.Sc. in Midwifery

[Click to read specific entry requirements for the School of Nursing and Midwifery Programmes]


🔔 NOTE: These programmes are for Pure Science (WASSCE/SSSCE) students.

However, non-science-based applicants with credit passes in Elective Mathematics/Further Mathematics, Business Mathematics, Costing, Accounting, Business Management, Economics and Geography, and at least a C6 or D in Integrated Science may qualify to apply for some of these programmes.

First Degree

WASSCE or SSSCE holders who seek to apply for admission into the first-degree programmes must have at least C6 or D in all their three Core and three Elective Subjects. Candidates should therefore possess, at least, credit passes in the following:

      • Three core subjects – English Language (Core), Mathematics (Core) and Integrated Science.
      • Any three elective subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agricultural Science, Mathematics (elective), Economics, Further Mathematics, Geography, Business Management, and Accounting, among others.
      • Should have an aggregate score of 36 or better in the best six subjects (that is, three core subjects listed above and three relevant electives).
      • Meet the Departmental requirements.

Mature applicants:

      • Candidates must be at least 25 years of age and must show documentary evidence.
      • In addition, must have any of the following:
        1. Five passes in G.C.E ‘O’ Level subjects including English Language (Core), and Mathematics (Core), and three elective subjects.
        2. SSSCE/WASSCE passes in English Language (Core), Mathematics (Core) and Integrated Science as well as two elective science subjects.
      • HND and other Diploma applicants seeking admission into any of the undergraduate programmes should possess at least a:
        1. Second Class Lower or better in related programmes, who may be admitted into Level 200.
        2. Third Class or Pass shall be considered for admission into Level 100.

Diploma applicants:

To be admitted into a Diploma programme, three credit passes in the applicant’s area of specialisation (elective subjects) and at least two passes (D7, D or better) in English Language (Core) and Mathematics (Core) in WASSCE/SSSCE are required.

Any candidate without a pass in English Language (Core), Mathematics (Core) or both should not apply for the Diploma programmes.

All applicants of the undergraduate programmes with foreign certificates shall be required to get them verified by the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) before they can be accepted into any of the programmes.

International Students Requirements

To be given admission, all international applicants must meet requirements equivalent to those of home students.

Applicants must prove that the under-listed institutions have evaluated and certified their certificates equivalent to their home counterparts.

i. The Nursing & Midwifery Council

ii. The West African Examination Council

iii. Ghana Tertiary Education Council

🔔 Note: International students’ supporting documents for admission must be translated into English.

They must also be proficient in the English language.


A candidate seeking admission to pursue any of our Ph.D. programmes must:

      • Have an M.Phil. or M.Sc. by research degree in the relevant field from a recognised University.
      • Submit an official transcript of academic records, certificates and other relevant documents.
      • Each applicant shall be required to submit a concept paper on his/her proposed research topic.
      • Meet the Departmental requirements.
      • Applicants with foreign certificates shall be required to get them verified by the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) before they can be accepted into any of the programmes.

Applicants who want to pursue our M.Sc./M.Phil. programmes must also:

      • Have obtained a good first degree with at least Second Class Lower, in the relevant field of study from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution.
      • Submit an official transcript of academic records and other relevant documents.
      • Each applicant shall be required to submit a concept paper on his/her proposed research topic.
      • Meet the Departmental requirements.
      • Applicants with foreign certificates shall be required to get them verified by the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) before they can be accepted into the programmes.

🔔 All postgraduate applicants will be required to pass a selection interview to be conducted by the various Schools and Departments.

Specific Entry Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science

For admission into the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Medical Laboratory Science programme, the applicant must have the following:

i. West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSSCE) with credit passes (A1-C6) or Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) with credit passes (A-D) in three core subjects including English Language (Core), Mathematics (Core), and Integrated Science and three elective subjects including Biology, Chemistry and Physics or Elective Mathematics.

Specific Entry Requirements for the School of Nursing and Midwifery Programmes

A. 4-Year B.Sc. in Nursing

For admission into the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Nursing programme, the applicant must meet the following important requirements:

i. The West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSSCE) with credit passes (A1-C6) or Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) with credit passes (A-D) in three core subjects including English Language (Core), Mathematics (Core), and Integrated Science and three elective subjects including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Elective Mathematics.

Applicants with elective subjects in the areas of General Arts, Home Economics with Biology or General Agriculture MAY be considered.

The cut-off point for admission is an aggregate of 14 or better. Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 100 after they have passed a selection interview.

🔔 NOTE: Applicants with elective subjects in Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, General Agric. (Subject), Sculpture, Graphic Design, Clothing and Textile, carpentry, Typewriting, Accounting, Costing, Leather Work, fashion, painting are advised NOT TO APPLY.

ii. Nurse Assistant Preventive (NAP)

Applicants should possess a valid Auxiliary Identification Number (AIN) and have successfully completed the C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences access programme and passed the assessment. Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 100 after they have passed a selection interview.

iii. Nurse Assistant Clinical (NAC)

Applicants should have completed the C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences access programme and passed the assessment.

Possession of a valid Auxiliary Identification Number (AIN) is a requirement. Successful applicants will be admitted to Level 200 after they have passed a selection interview.

iv. Registered Midwife with a Diploma

Applicants should have met the under-listed criteria:

      • Must be fully registered with the N&MC, Ghana, and hold a Midwifery license.
      • Have a valid Professional Identification Number (PIN).

v. Registered General Nurse with Post Diploma

      • Must be fully registered with the N&MC, Ghana, and hold a Midwifery license.
      • Have a valid Professional Identification Number (PIN).

Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 300 after they have passed a selection interview.

B. 4-Year B.Sc. in Midwifery

i. The West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSSCE) with credit passes (A1-C6) or Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) with credit passes (A-D) in three core subjects including English Language (Core), Mathematics (Core), and Integrated Science and three elective subjects including General Science, General Arts, and Home Economics with Biology.

The cut-off point for admission is aggregate 14 or better.

Students with Science electives are preferred.

Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 100 after they have passed a selection interview.

ii. Post NAC/ NAP certificate.

      • Possess a valid Auxiliary Identification Number(AIN) from N&MC, Ghana.
      • Pass an access course examination that will be conducted by the University.

Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 100 after they have passed a selection interview.

iii. Mature students (Post basic certificate), Registered Midwives (post basic certificate), and Registered Midwives (Post basic SRN) must possess a valid Professional Identification Number (PIN) issued by N&MC, Ghana.

Selected applicants will be admitted to Level 200 after they have passed a selection interview.


All applicants must buy the CKT-UTAS E-Voucher from Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB), Republic and Fidelity Bank branches nationwide for One Hundred and Fifty Ghana Cedis (GHS150.00) for Undergraduate and Two Hundred Ghana Cedis (GHC 200.00) for Postgraduate.

The E-Voucher could also be purchased through the USSD Code *776*123# on all mobile telecommunication Networks.

To Buy Admission Voucher:
• Dial *776*123#
• Enter merchant code: CKTUTAS
• Select [2] Admission Voucher Payment
• Select [1] Undergraduate or [2] Postgraduate
• Enter Applicant’s Name
• Select payment channel [1] Fidelity [2] Mobile Money
• Confirm Details
• Proceed to make payment.


    • Dial *887*9#

    • Name or Alias of the university Enter: CKTUTAS

    • Select [1] Postgraduate or [2] for Undergraduate form.

    • ⁠Wait for the MoMo prompt.

    • Enter your Momo pin to approve payment.

    • For MTN Users only: If the prompt was not received, dial *170# select my approvals, and authorize to make payment.

    • An SMS will be received after successful payment with the voucher details.

    • To Retrieve Voucher, Dial *887*9#2
      Select option to view History

The E-Voucher contains the PIN and Serial Number required to complete the online application form. Meanwhile, AU and non-AU nationals can purchase the application form from only Republic Bank Ghana at USD 50.00 and USD 100.00, respectively.

    1. Create an account and Log onto our online admissions portal at to complete the application form.
    2. Applicants must upload their most recent passport-size photograph (white background) and other relevant certificates and documents when completing the online application form. Applicants who use an object or a picture instead of their passport-size picture will be disqualified.
    3. Applicants are advised to post the printout of the application summary, results slip/certificates, and other relevant documents (three copies each) to

The Deputy Registrar,

C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences

P.O. Box 24, Upper East, Navrongo.

4. A completed application form will not be considered until it is SUBMITTED

5. Applicants are advised to check thoroughly all details entered before they finally submit their online applications since an application form submitted cannot be edited.

Closing Date

Closing date for the submission of completed applications online is August 31, 2024.

For enquiries, contact Academic Affairs through:

+233-(0)372095456 | 3820-97376



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