Lecturer Assessment

Students’ Assessment of Lecturers

All students are required to assess all their lecturers for the current semester.


  1. Access & login to your student portal @ mis.cktutas.edu.gh
  2. Locate and click onLecturer Assessment
  3. Select Academic year and Semester
  4. Click on the “Assess Lecturer” for each of your registered courses and do the assessment accordingly.
  5. After completing the assessment, confirm that all your registered courses have been marked completed as it is compulsory you complete the assessment process for all.


The assessment status of each student will be indicated on the attendance list for each registered course.

Any Student with an uncompleted assessment status for any registered course will not be allowed to enter the examination room for that course.

ASSESSMENT DEADLINE: Thursday, 15th August, 2024

CKT-UTAS lecturer assessment
Students' Assessment of Lecturers - Steps to Follow