The Main Registry
The Main Registry handles all correspondence to and from the University, on behalf of the Registrar. All applications for appointments into the University and those by Senior Members seeking promotion to Senior Lecturer/ Senior Assistant Registrar or their equivalent grades and Professorial positions, are received in the Main Registry, on behalf of the Human Resources Section.
The Registry serves:
- as a point from which management decisions are relayed to staff of the University as well as information to stakeholders and others seeking to do business with the University.
- The Registry/Office of the Registrar also takes custody of most of the University’s documents regarding policy/regulations or any correspondence with the University.
- As the nerve Centre of the University’s administration, the Office of the Registrar also coordinates all the activities of the various sections of the University.
Tracking of all emails to and from the Registrar continues daily in the Registry to ensure that all the mails received or dispatched are accounted for.
An important addition to the activities of the Registry is the dispatch of mails especially to Deans, Directors, Campus, and Faculty Officers by e-mail.
During the period, mails were sent to the named recipients via eÂmail for the purpose of speeding up the processes involved in the correspondence.
Efforts are being made to expand the scope to reduce the paperwork in the University’s administration.
Academic & Students Affairs
- Admissions
- Students Affairs
- Examinations
- Students Financial Service
Human Resource Development
- Junior Staff
- Senior Staff
- Senior Members
General Administration
- Security
- Maintenance
- Environment and
- Sanitation
- Grounds and Gardens
Public Relations
- Public Relations and Branding
- Publications and Documentation
- Events and Programmes Management
- Protocol
Legal & Staff Welfare
- Legal and Advisory
- Staff Welfare
Counselling Centre
The Counselling Centre offers guidance to students and staff in the university.
The priority of the Centre is to help keep members of the University community safe and well through a variety of services as outlined below:
- Individual counselling,
- Career guidance and counselling,
- Academic support services,
- Relationship management,
- Group counselling,
- Organisation of seminars and workshops for students and staff,
- Information services (Educational, Occupational, and Personal-social information),
- Organisation of career conferences for students and staff,
- Work/Home stress management,
- Community outreach programmes,
- Family counselling and support services and Emerging issues (local and global) and their impact on work environment.